Community Spirit at the Grocer
Our grocer members can choose from a variety of chilled, frozen, and cupboard items, plus bread and fresh fruit and veg.
We offer sanitary items once a month.
The weekly fee is £5, which is a huge reduction on the supermarket value of the average selection available, this enables members to stretch their budget and get more for their money.
The selection varies from week to week, according to availability from our main supplier, FareShare, and donations from local businesses and individuals.
Helping Provide Food
Asda Eastlands kindly support our Community Grocer by providing a donations trolley that enables us to give our customers a good choice of quality food.
So, if you’re in a position to do so, it would be great if you could pop in an item or two, to help those who are currently in need of our assistance.
How to join the grocer
Join the queue
Partner Recommendation
You need to be recommended by one of our partners. The partners including schools such as Seymour Road, Ravensbury Street, and St. Willibrords and others.
You will then join a queue to wait for your start date with the grocer. When a place is available, Kay will contact you to arrange your first visit,
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